
Julian Renaud began practising law in New Brunswick before returning home to Ontario to establish Renaud Law. While in New Brunswick, he appeared at all levels of Court; Small Claims Court, Provincial Court, the Court of Queen’s Bench (Trial Division), the Court of Queen’s Bench (Family Division), and the Court of Appeal. He was also Union counsel in proceedings before the Labour and Employment Board and counsel in proceedings under the Law Society Act, 1996.
Julian’s primary areas of practice are civil litigation, labour and employment law, criminal defence, property law, corporate law, and wills and estates. He also represents clients at the Landlord and Tenant Board.
Julian is a member of the Criminal Law Panel and accepts Legal Aid certificates.
In his spare time, Julian enjoys bicycling, reading, and jiu-jitsu.
Published Court Decisions
White v Zed et al., 2019 NBCA 86
B.J.M. v J.W.W., 2019 NBQB 274
Perry v Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission et al., 2018 NBCA 80